Our Centenary


Sevenoaks Prep, 1919-2019

2019 is our Centenary year and we are delighted to have a full and varied calendar of events to celebrate this milestone from January to December 2019.

These events aim to achieve the following:

  • bring together our school community: pupils, staff, parents, governors, alumni;
  • commemorate our rich heritage and history that formed the foundations of a Sevenoaks Prep education;
  • celebrate all that makes Sevenoaks Prep a unique and a fantastic school;
  • look forward to the School’s future, ensuring we can continue to offer the very best education to the next generation whilst staying true to our ethos.

Many of the events that already take place in our busy and exciting school year will continue under the centenary banner but will be bigger occasions.   Please click here for a calendar of events.

The pupils, staff and parents will also be taking part in community projects (including the 100 Club) and our charity for the year is Save The Children.

A History of Sevenoaks Preparatory School

We are delighted that local historian, David Williams, has written a history of our first 100 years.  Compiled from hours of research, both from local sources and from our archives, he has been able to determine the precise origins of the school in 1919 and chart our history through WW2, from Vine Court Road to Godden Green and through to the present day.  The launch of this book will take place on our Centenary Day on Saturday 15th June.

Centenary Centre

To mark the occasion of our centenary, we will be opening the Centenary Centre during 2019.  Our most ambitious building project to date, it will provide a new heart for The Prep. Not only will the new building house teaching – science, art, maths, languages, humanities and digital learning – it will also have an inspiring central space, which will serve as a library and an area for The Prep community to gather.  Our building contractors, Baxalls, will be on site from Monday 3rd December 2018.  Further information can be found here.

Whilst the school has evolved since it was founded in 1919, I am proud that it remains true to its ethos and The Way of Life.  I look forward to celebrating our birthday with you.

Luke Harrison

Our Centenary Service on 11th January was a wonderful start to our centenary celebrations:

Sevenoaks Prep School