week ending 24th Feb

27th February 23











Dear Parents

I hope you are well.

I accompanied some of our Years 6, 7 and 8 singers down to Brighton College on Thursday to take part in a choral day there; it was a wonderful experience for the pupils. We are also really looking forward to Book Week, which starts on
Monday. You can read a little more about both events later in the newsletter. I have a new year’s resolution, albeit a couple of months too late. I was fascinated to read on Wednesday that a first generation iPhone had recently sold in America for $63000 – which is over one hundred times its original value of $599! The catch is that it is in its original box and also still has the shrink-wrap on it. I recall fondly those Star Wars toys that my parents bought for me in 1977 that could have earned me a fortune had I not trashed them and then thrown them away. My double telescoping Darth Vader, had I left it sealed, would now be worth in excess of $76000…

This has got me thinking about the value of things and the difference between monetary value and
sentimental value. I watched an episode of “The Repair Shop” last week and was absorbed by the items
brought in and the stories behind them – from a 1910 fire engine toy replica to a leather wallet that had
been caught up in World War Two. It inspired me to look around the house and see if I had anything that I
could offer the programme. I settled upon a pianola that my father used to play and that is now in need of
some TLC. I have taken a video of it and sent it to the programme with the story behind it in the hope that
they will offer to repair it. I am not overly hopeful as it’s a rather cumbersome and very heavy object –
maybe I should have gone with something smaller. Anyway, if I get through I’ll let you know!

Finally, on the subject of value, my week was made on Tuesday when our chef, Nick, gave me a gift! As a
child of the 70s/80s I remember the wonders of Angel Delight and other “nutritious” desserts. However,
none came close to my favourite – semolina. This has become increasingly hard to find in shops and my
usual supplier no longer stocks it – so I even reverted to looking on Amazon to see if they sold
it. Fortunately, Nick came to the rescue and sourced me two packets of semolina. As I know of absolutely
no-one else who enjoys this quite wonderful product I am hopeful that this will last me a while. I hasten to
add that in making the semolina I do ensure that there are no lumps.

Once exams are done and we settle back into the routine of assemblies, I will devote some time to
discussing perceptions of value with the pupils – though I won’t make them any semolina…

Best wishes

Luke Harrison










Dear Parents,

I do hope that you were all able to enjoy a restful half term break. Isn’t it wonderful to be able to drive to
school again in light and nearly make it home in daylight too? It really does make such a difference.

The children have had a fabulous start back to this half of term and they are getting stuck into their
work. We have held parents’ evenings this week and welcomed families into school to hear about their
children’s successes as well as their next steps in learning.

Next week is book week across the school. I know that Mrs Doherty and Mrs Wake have some very exciting
events planned and we are of course all looking forward to the dress up day on Thursday – the staff have
been planning their outfits in the staff room!

I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend.

Best wishes,

Helen Cook

Sevenoaks Prep School