Looking After Ourselves In Isolation

6th April 20

Hope Virgo’s top tips for managing our wellbeing and fears while in isolation

Last year, we were fortunate to welcome author and mental health campaigner Hope Virgo to The Prep who spoke to our older pupils about anxiety and social pressure. This week, we asked Hope to share her tips with us for managing our wellbeing while in isolation.

“There is a great deal of uncertainty at the moment which can lead to negative feelings. Remember that negative emotions are normal and are part of life experiences. It is okay to be feeling anxious and unsure at the moment.

  1. Keep some sort of routine. I know it can be tempting to stay up really late, sleep in… but in the long run this will be negative for us. Make sure each morning you get up, get dressed and shower. Go outside once a day (maintaining your social distance), and keep your meal times in place. Whilst this might seem unnecessary I guarantee in the long term it will be better.
  2. Limit your screen time (bet you are fed up of people saying this!). For me this is more about being mindful of what I am looking at. If you are looking at stuff on social, or watching the news and it is making you anxious, be disciplined with yourself. It is also important to be mindful when you are looking at it. I know for me if I have had a long day I have a tendency to scroll on Instagram in the evening and it makes me feel pretty rubbish. Being mindful and disciplined with what we are looking at is crucial for our mental health.
  3. Find a way to be present and small ways to participate when struggling with negative emotions. This can be anything from joining a conversation, or doing some writing. It is important to remember that negative feelings are normal but we just need to make sure we are coping with them in healthy ways!
  4. Your feelings are valid. It is so important at the moment that we remember that even though there is a lot of turmoil, what we are feeling is valid. If you are struggling, please do reach out for support. Talking is a great way to deal with any negative emotions!
  5. Communication is key. Just because we are isolating at home, it doesn’t mean we can’t talk to anyone outside our homes. Book in time with your friends to catch up!”

For more information about Sevenoaks Prep’s commitment to safeguarding and for useful links to support groups, please visit https://www.theprep.org.uk/school-life/safeguarding/

Hope Virgo is the author of ‘Stand Tall Little Girl’ and is a multi award-winning Mental Health Campaigner.

Hope will be running some online seminars for parents about managing your mental health during COVID-19 here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/hope-virgo-30023702986

Follow Hope on social media:

Twitter @hopevirgo

Instagram @hopevirgo_

And Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Hopevirgoauthor/

Sevenoaks Prep School